André Tehrani / Beach Detector / Painted MDF, light switch, plexiglass, power drill and electrical cord / 50 x 50 x 100 cm / 2012 / Built with assistance of Adam Grinovich and Björn Aneer / Photo: Studio LL

André Tehrani / An Incomplete Account of Past Sensations / Acetone transfer and pencil on paper / Text drawings and blank paper sheets mounted in 244 wooden frames / 205 x 484 cm, each drawing 18 x 18 cm (unframed) / 2012 / Photo: Studio LL

Installation view / Game of Life / Kristiansand Kunsthall / September 2012 / Photo: Eirik Lande

Installation view / Game of Life / Kristiansand Kunsthall / September 2012 / Photo: Eirik Lande